
Competition Results



A Singles

Winner: Mark Secis  Runner Up: Gary Horwood

B Singles

Winner: Andre Van Deventer  Runner Up: Don Hart

C Singles

Winner: Shayne Parry  Runner Up: Paul Madden

Novice Singles

Winner: Brad Moss  Runner Up: Rory McColl

Open Singles

Winner: John Gamlin  Runner Up: Ralph Allan

Veterans Singles

Winner: John Gamlin  Runner Up: David McDowell

Super Veterans Singles

Winner: John Davies  Runner Up: Bryan Martin

A Pairs

Winners: Mike Abell and Rob Morris
Runners Up: David McDowell and John Gamlin

B Pairs

Winners: Gary Horwood and Jeff McLennan
Runners Up: Brad Moss and Gerry Sutherland

Veterans Pairs

Winners: John Gamlin and Rob Morris
Runners Up: Bill Turner and Roger Piasecki

Mixed Pairs

Winners: Gerry Sutherland and Cheryl Lindfield
Runners up: Ros Taber and Gary Taber

Club Selected Mixed Triples

Winners: Margaret Valentine, Henry Gauci & David Devencorn
Runners Up: Ros Taber, Bob Chattin & Shayne Parry


Winners: Jim Brown, Gerry Sutherland, Gary Horwood
Runners Up: Graham Chattin, Ray Strudwick, Jeff Young


Winners: Brad Moss, Jeff McLennan, Adrian Andrews, Glenn Andrews
Runners Up: Barry Easey, Branko Petrovic (Sub), Gary Horwood, Mike Abell, Ralph Allan.




Championship Singles

Winner: C Lewis  Runner Up: P Palmer

B Singles

Cancelled 2021

Novice Singles

Winner: C Bietzel  Runner Up: M Huggins

Veteran Singles

Winner: M Wells  Runner Up: C Lewis

Super Veterans Singles

Winner: Adele Brown  Runner Up: Margaret Wells

Consistency Singles


Championship Triples

Winners: M Huggins, G Pratt, (M Robertson sub), C Lindfield
Runners Up:
R Taber, V Chappel, (P Henry sub), L Hurley

Club Selected Fours

2020 cancelled due to COVID-19

Championship Pairs

Winners: G Pratt and C Lindfield
Runners Up: H Locke and M Wells

Championship Fours

Winners: R Taber, M Robertson, L Hurley, V Chappel
Runners Up: V Scott, J Davis, M Wells A Pitt


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